Educational Human Resource Development
College of Education
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-3256
(979) 845-5488 FAX (979) 862-4347
(979) 696-2414 (h) kpaprock@tamu.edu
· International Human Resource Development
· National Human Resource Development
· Training and Development/ Human Capital
Funded Research $182,000 (nine projects)
International Travel Grants $22,950 (11 projects)
Examinership for Doctoral dissertations in Educational Technology, (2004-2005) College of Education, Alagappa University. Alagappa Nagar, Tamil Nadu India
Rabee Abud Alazeem M.A. Mansoura University, Egypt. Invited Participant for master’s thesis. The effectiveness of using computers to develop creative thinking abilities of elementary students. May 9, 2001.
Co-Chair Ph.D. Dissertation for Mansoura University, Damiette, Egypt. Taher Abdalla Ahmed; The description of instructional materials for adult learners, and their use in distance education to reach determined goals. 1997.
In-Sun Shim and K.E.Paprock (2002) A study focusing on American expatriates’ learning in the host country. International Journal of Training and Develoipment 6 (1), 13-24.
Paprock, K.E. (2000). Technology and curriculum in rural areas. Staff and Educational Development International (SEDI). New Delhi, India: Aravali Books International. 4(2), pp.127-132 (invited, refereed).
Paprock, K.E. and Gonzalez, E.M. (in press; February 2000) Educacion a distancia y aprendizaje durante la vida (Distance education and lifelong learning)) Universidad Iberoamericana, Centro de Leguas, Leon, GTO. Mexico.
Paprock, K. E. and Gonzalez, E.M. (1999). El diseño de forma de aprendizaje de acuerdo al contexto cultural. (The design of the type of learning according to cultural context) Ciencia, Arte: IPN – Cultura. Mexico City, Mexico. P 6-12.
Paprock, K.E. and González, E. M. Estilo Cognoscitivo: Una cuestión de diferencias culturas en el mundo? (Julio-Septiembre 1998). (Cognitive Style: A question of cultural differences in the world?) Competencia Laboral (Spanish). Año 2 No.7, Pp.4-9.
Paprock, K.E. (1996). Estructura conceptual para desorrollar competencia adaptativa de profesionales. (Conceptual structure to develop adaptive competencies in professionals) IPN Ciencia, Arte: Cultura, Nueva Epoca, Año 2, No.8, Julio-Agosto, pp. 22-25.
Conference Proceedings
y Gonzalez, E.; Lincoln, Y.S.; & Paprock, K.E. (2004). Competencies of Public and Private Higher Education Executives in Mexican Universities: Are they different? Paper presented at the International Forum of the Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education 2004, Kansas City, MO. November 3.
Hasler, M. G., Thompson, M.D. Lynham, S.A. and K.E. Paprock (2004). HRD in Latin America: An exploratory review of the literature. . Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference, Austin, TX. March 6. p. 44
Yi-Hsuan Lee, Jie Lin, S.A. Lynham, K.E. Paprock and Jie Li (2004). A review of HRD research in three areas of East Asia: Mainland Cina, Japan and Taiwan. Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference, Austin, TX. March 6. p. 44
Jie Ke, K.E. Paprock (2004). The role of HRD in Chinese State-owned Banks and implication for future HRD policies and practices. Academy of Human Resource Development International Conference, Austin, TX. March 5. p. 26.
Distance and Open Learning: Politico-Social Implications: NIACE Conference, University College Dublin; Dublin, Ireland. June 23, 1997.
Williams, M., Covington, B., and Paprock, K. (1999). Distance education: The essential guide. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Mansour, Ahmed and Paprock, K. E.(2003). Technology and Human Resource Development. Domiat, Egypt: Mansoura University. (In Islamic)
Book Chapters
Paprock, K.E. (2002) Transformative Learning for Sustainability. In Walter Leal Filho (ed.)
Environmental education, communication and sustainability. Vol.12. Wein, Germany: Peter Lang. pp.121-132.
Paprock, K.E. (1994). A conceptual framework for developing adaptive competency for professionals. In Benn R. and Fieldhouse R. (eds) Training and professional development in adult and continuing education, Occasional Paper No. 1. University of Exeter: Centre for Research in Continuing Education, pp. 89-93.
Book Reviews
Paprock, K.E. and Gonzalez y Gonzalez (1998). The origins of cultural differences and their impact on management by Jack Scarborough. Book Review in CONOCER No.8 Fall, Mexico.
Paprock, K.E. (1997) Managing people during stressful times by Seth Allcorn and Michael A. Diamond. Book review in International Journal for Training and Development. 1(2), 69-70.
Invitational Speaking (Keynote and plenary talks) Indicated
Keynote Address: Distance Education: The Digital Divide in Developing Countries. February 27,
2005, Conference for Society for Educational Technology Development and Research (SETRAD), Barathidasan University India
Globalization and Its Implication for Lifelong Learning. 9th ISSEI Conference "The Narrative of
Modernity: Co-Existence of Differences". University of Navarre, Pamlona, Spain.August 2-7, 2004.
Globalization and HRD. Institute for Development and Policy Management, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. October 21, 2003.
Keynote address: Transformational Learning for Sustainability. EUROECO 2002: Promotion of sustainable development on a global scale in the context of the forthcoming earth summit., University of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH) in Cracow, Poland. Co-sponsored by the consul generals of Austria and Germany.
Keynote Address: Globalization and Its Implications on Education. February 2, 2002. Endowed Lecture, Barathidasan University India
Invitational Lecture, Adult Learning and Distance Education. Three lectures for 1000 third year students, Colleges of Education, Mansoura University, Damietta, Egypt. May 8.2001.
Seminar on Research in HRD and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education Ismaellia, Suez Canal University, May 15, 2001, Egypt.
Cross-national, cross-cultural, inter-disciplinary and cross-institutional research. Symposium chair (invited) The 1st Conference on Research in Distance and Adult Learning in Asia. The Open University of Hong Kong. June 21, 2000.
Evaluation of Distance Education Programs and proposals for the Universidad Autonomous de Estado de Mexico, Toluca, Mexico, June 14-16, 1999.
Una Panorámica de la Educación a Distancia en la universidad de Texas A&M (A view of distance education at Texas A&M) Keynote speech, Coloquio Sobre Educación a Distancia. 12 February 1996. La Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Toluca, México
Technology training for adult and arts educators, St. Andrew's, Scotland, July 10-14, 1995.
A Conceptual Framework for Developing Adaptive Competency for Professionals. International Conference on Training and Professional Development in Adult and Continuing Education. Wadham College, Oxford. September 13-15,1993.
Committee on Development of Colleges of Education: Distance Education,and Professional Development. A World Bank Project. Alexandria, Egypt. November 17-22, 2003.
World Bank Project for the Reforming of Higher Education in Egypt: Cultural Considerations and Civic Education. Cairo, Egypt. Dr. Abd Al Hai Obeed, Head of the National Council of Egyptian Universities. November 16, 2003.
Cairo, Egypt (2003). Faculty Development Program for Reforming Education in Egypt (FLDP). A World Bank Sponsored Project. Dr. Medhat El-Nemr, Director of the Project.
International Training
Cross Cultural Management and Training (February 11, 2002) Baharathidasan Institute of
Mangement (BIM) Tiruchirappalli, India.
Train the Trainers Certification (1999) co-sponsored with University of Guanajuato, VEN Center, coordinator and trainer. Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico. Human Resource Development Overview; Adult Learning; Competency Identification.
Presentation on Distance Education and Innovations in Education (May 24 - 26, 1999). Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico.
Educacion a distancia, una alternativa para ampliar la cobertura de la educacion en nivel superior. (June, 11, 1999). Distance education, one alternative to extend higher education. Diplomado en Innovacion educativa. Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico.
EducaBerlin on Line: (October, 1997) Full day invitational workshop on Transitions to Distance Learning Technologies. PreConference Workshop.
Member - NADERN (North American Distance Education Research Network) San Antonio, 1994-1999.
Member - International Programs Enhancement and Coordination Committee, University - wide, 1996-2000
Chair - International Programs Enhancement and Coordination Committee, College of Education, 1996-2000.
Co-Chair, International AHRD Conference, March 4-7, 2004. Austin, TX.
Human Resource Development International Best Paper Award committee, 2001 and 2004.
Elected to the Faculty Senate, Texas A&M University, 1999 - present.
Senate Caucus Leader for Education, 2000
Member of the Academic Affairs Committee (committee of the Faculty Senate), 1999-2001.
Member of the International subcommittee of the Faculty Senate. 1999-2001.
College of Education
Member - Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) as Senate Caucus Leader, College of Education.
Member - Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) College of Education, Texas A&M University, 1998 - 1999
Chair - Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) College of Education, Texas A&M University, 1997-1998.
Secretary - Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) College of Education, Texas A&M University, 1996-1997.
Chair - College of Education International Program Enhancement and Coordination Committee, 1996 - present.
Recognition for participation in Colloquium of Distance Education, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México, February 12, 1996.
Recognition for participation in 1st. International Meeting of CREFAL, Center of Regional Cooperation for Adult Education in Latin-American and Caribe, Pátzcuaro, Mich., México, February 16, 1996.
Recognition for participation in International Seminar: " Formación Basada en Compentecia Laboral: Situación Actual y Perspectivas", Labor International Organization, Guanajuato, México, May, 1996.
Recognition for participation in "Distance Education Certification Program", Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, D.F., July 19, 1996.
Recognition for participation in II International Colloquium of Distance Education, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México, March 12, 1997.
Recognition for participation in "Conferences: Open and Distance Education", Universidad de Guanajuato, October 24, 1997.
Educator of the Year 2005, Crystal Apple Award, College of Education and Human Development Texas A&M University, April 2005.
Fulbright Senior Specialist Program Grant #1440, March 2005;. Project for the improvement of higher education. Sponsored by the University of International Business, Almaty Kazakhstan
The Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching, October 2002.
A lifelong membership in the Society for Educational Technology Research and Development (SETRAD) Tamilnadu, India
P.S. Manisundaram. Endowed Lecture. (February 2002) Tiruchirappalli, India.
Doctor Honoris Causa; (August 10, 2001) honorary doctorate from Ansted University, Penang, Malaysia. In recognition for his exemplary contribution to Adult Education and Human Resource Development.
Inducted into the International Who's Who in Distance Education, Bonn, Germany. 1998.
For Facilitating agreements and matching people at TAMU and other countries, nominated for the University international service award for 1997.
Appreciation award for contributions to international programs at TAMU, May 3, 1995.